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Introducing the Bells & Two Tones "Warm Rain" ®. Here at Bells and Two Tones, we listened to our customers and now we can supply warm water for all SFX/Production needs. Our Warm Rain® system is portable, economic and above all, safe. Speak to your SFX team if you require a warm water solution for your rain effects or pool heating, then point them in our direction.

Our trademarked "Warm Rain"® system has been designed from the ground up, as well as having to be portable and affordable, we always had safety in mind, we took the decision not to use steam and high-pressure steam boilers and today we can offer a low-pressure non-steam setup.

As all of our bowsers are insulated we can bring 10,000ltrs or 20,000lts of warm water to your location, should you have a larger than normal requirement for warm water we can bring our whole setup to location and heat the water in situ, at present our 20,000 litre bowsers can be heated on site to 36 degrees within an hour.


Through careful monitoring, we regulate the heat to get it "just right", too cold and it's uncomfortable for your cast yet if you go too hot then on a very cold day it can produce unwanted steam.


Our unique system produces hot water instantly (51 degrees), we can produce a 1000 litres of hot water every 5 mins and should you require a pool filling with warm/hot water then our system is perfect as we get to the required temperature quickly, we also provide a filtration system and chlorination service. Of course, once the filming is over you then have the de-rig and before any work can take place you have the hassle of emptying the pool, this is another service that we supply where we will pump out the pool and take the water away to save any localised flooding within the studio area.

The second time we sent the system out we supplied Warm Rain for Coronation Street and got a mention in The Guardian. Since then we have kept some of the biggest names in the industry warm whilst filming rain scenes in the winter.


Warm Rain
Warm Rain Trailer
Trailer and Bowser
Our 20000 litre hot water bowser can be used for mass decontamination or Warm Rain.
Heating water
Bottle Yard
Hot water 2
Hot water

© 2014 Bells and two tones Fire and Rescue Ltd

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